Reach The Unreached


Be Part of Something That Matters…To God!

We need to be involved in what matters to God. His desire is that we all be fully devoted followers of Christ. As such, we are to be involved in leading people of every nation (ethnos) to become fully devoted followers of Christ. After nearly 2,000 years there are still thousands of people groups (ethnos) that don’t have an adequate Christian witness living among them. Let’s do something about this!

Jesus’ last words – His last request, as it were – to his disciples was the Great Commission – “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations (ethnos).” Matthew 28:19

Today there are still more than 6,000 Unreached people groups that don’t have a significant number of disciples among their own.

As Jesus’ “last request,” it seems of the utmost importance that we be involved in fulfilling our Lord’s request. Reaching the Unreached peoples of the world needs to be at the forefront of our efforts as World Christians. It’s not enough to leave it to missionaries to fulfill Jesus’ last request. As it is, only 4% of those working as missionaries are working among Unreached people groups.  Additionally, less than 2% of the money given to “foreign missions” goes to the work of reaching Unreached people groups.

That’s not a very good response to a “last request” – especially a “last request” from the Lord of the universe and the Lord of our lives.

Each of us who are followers of Christ need to be involved in this endeavor, working together with Christians around the world to reach the remaining Unreached people groups of the world. God’s desire is to have at a minimum, a “beach-head” of “culturally close” Christians living within each of the over 6,000 Unreached people groups.  But what if each of us was involved according to our ability, to do more than just the minimum, and collectively worked together to see God’s Kingdom come where it has yet to be established.

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations (ethnos), and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14

What if we give to such a degree, investing in what matters to God, and support “culturally close” Christians who are eager to reach the Unreached people groups throughout the world.

After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. Revelation 7:9

About Reach The Unreached
Reach The Unreached endeavors to help Christians do their part in Reaching the Unreached.

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