Reach The Unreached


Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

Thousands of Christians have taken the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement Study Program.  After going through Perspectives, thousands of Christians have been faced with, and are now still faced with, “how can I” and “how should I” be involved in the World Christian Movement.  “How can I make a difference in reaching the Unreached people of the world?” Reach the Unreached would like to work with the Alumni of the Perspective Study Program.

After understanding God’s work throughout history to bring His Kingdom to those where it has yet to be established, the participants of Perspectives on the World Christian Movement need to be involved.

For those of us who aren’t called to go as missionaries, we must be involved in supporting the work of establishing indigenous communities of believing Christians, who are then able to evangelize their people, resulting in the establishment of God’s Kingdom among all the nations/ethnos.

Nobody understands better than those who have taken the Perspectives Study Program, the desire God has to introduce to every people group what Jesus has done for them.

Now is the time to get involved by supporting those willing to live their lives among the Unreached.  Your donations to Reach the Unreached will go directly to support these missionaries and to projects that will enhance their effectiveness.

We can get your gifts into the hands of those frontline workers involved in establishing God’s Kingdom where it has yet to be established.

About Reach The Unreached
Reach The Unreached endeavors to help Christians do their part in Reaching the Unreached.

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